Welcome to VIRTUS and HERRA’s litter page!

Litter Pedigree


We specifically chose Virtus because, simply put, he is a “freak of nature”. Virtus is very well bred and comes from phenomenal bloodlines. We are super excited to bring this opportunity to the US and we are eagerly looking forward to the watching these offspring grow, from this impressive combination.


Herra is a phenomenal addition to DKV Rottweilers and our breeding program. Angel is very impressed with her size. Herra has a large and solid body frame with great confirmation. Both Herra’s sire and dam are impressive Rottweilers and their genes proudly show through Herra.

Parent Photos

Growth Updates 0-8 Weeks


Herra delivered 3 males & 5 females! Delivery was dramatic for Herra, but after a few days and lots of practice, Herra has turned into the best mother. Congratulations!

Week 1 Update

Hello DKV Family!

Your babies are 1 week old. They have made it through the first week of life and they are striving wonderfully. Not much excitement just yet. At this young age, the puppies just stay corralled by mama. Their eyes and ears are sealed, so they do not see or hear yet. They also cannot regulate their own temperature, so it is important they stay right next to mama so her body heat can keep them warm.

Angel has set his alarm clock for every 2 hours the first 5 days after a DKV litter is born. Believe it or not, this is 100% true. When a female has never had a litter before, sometimes, she does not know what to do exactly. This is where Angel comes in. Angel makes sure every single puppy gets a full feeding every two hours. He makes sure mama cleans each pup after each feeding. He makes sure mama is flipping over each feeding to avoid any problems with her breasts. So on and so on... Within a few days, our females are the best mama in the world. This attention to detail is what makes Angel different from other breeders. Your puppies receive 24-hour hands-on care. ❤️

Herra is turning out to be a great mom. She definitely started her first few hours of motherhood full of fear and anxiety. The poor baby just stared at Angel, like as if she was saying, don't leave. This is not uncommon with young females during their first litter. Sometimes, they don't want to be moms and things can go south quickly. Other times, they just want help, and turn into the best moms ever. Herra just wanted help. Herra allowed Angel to help her and she would not move until Angel would come back and turn her. She did not even get up to go to the bathroom until Angel physically took every puppy off of her. It was as if she did not want to hurt any of her babies. She is such a great mom now. She has absorbed everything Angel has showed her and she is making us so proud!

All reserved puppies should now be paid in full. If you still have a balance, I will send a separate payment email directly to you (this is a group email). If you do not receive a payment email, that means you are paid in full. Thank you.

I took some photos and videos of the babies a few days ago for everyone. Since the files are too big for email, I will add the photos and videos to their litter album at https://www.german-rottweiler-puppies-for-sale.com/seventh-gallery. Give me a few hours to get them posted online before you check them. Also, tails are now cropped (on females only) so their butts will look different on next week's update. ❤️

Week 2 Update

Hello DKV Family!

Our baby Rottweilers are now two and a half weeks old. Their eyes have just opened and they are just a dream to look at. If that was not exciting enough, their ears have also just opened, so they can now hear as well. The next few days will be exciting watching them react to new sights and sounds.

As you can tell by the photos, Herra’s puppies all have great appetites. All they do is eat and sleep and Herra is starting to get tired of it herself. Sometimes when we check on Herra, we will see her standing up, trying to take a break from these monsters. So, Angel started giving her breaks away from her puppies throughout the day, so she can have some “mom” time to relax. That seems to help her out. Angel has also introduced our puppy milkshake to the puppies to help keep them satisfied in-between nursings, and they love it.

Overall, everything is going well and all of Herra’s Rottweiler puppies are thriving, as expected. I spent the day taking individual Easter photos for everyone. Be sure to click on each photo to view the full image. Enjoy!

Week 3 Update

Hello DKV Family!

It is week three y’all. These babies are wide awake and growing little motors on them. They are curious as can be and love to explore. One minute you see them, the next minute they are gone. We love watching them explore and grow their confidence. Everything is going as expected… eating, sleeping, pooping. They only difference this week is we are now adding in some play time. The puppies are not too fond of toys yet, but they are curious about them. They pretty much just stare at the toys or smell them. If we try to get their interest, they just all look at us nuts when we squeeze the toys and make all these crazy sounds with them. LOL. Here are two new photos of the males and females. Enjoy!

Week 4 Update

Good afternoon, DKV Fam!

We are halfway there y’all. Puppies are doing wonderful. They are eating their puppy food and they are also nursing on mama. Appetites are strong and they are really striving. Puppies are super curious. They want to see everything but are still a little hesitant on spreading out too far. They are absolutely unsure about squeaking tennis balls. Their heads all pop up and turn each way when they hear it. Some even bark at it. It’s super funny to watch them react to new sounds. By next week, they will all be playing with one and loving it probably. Overall, happy, healthy, and very beautiful. Enjoy the new photos!

Week 5 Update

Hello DKV Family!

These beautiful babies are 5 weeks old. They are doing amazing. They are full of energy and love to play with toys and hop around. They are all so darn adorable. The three males have natural tails and the five females have docked tails. So the girls are always chasing their brothers tails and trying to catch it in their mouth. It is really the cutest thing to watch. LOL.

Appetites are ridiculous. This litter loves to eat. You would think I starve them the way they eat. They are eating both kibble and still nursing on mama as an extra treat. We will start weaning that off in the next week. I think they are going to be so mad.

I am going to start sending out some emails later today. Please complete any areas that I need for your paperwork and health records, and return back to me as soon as possible. We will start figuring out transports and getting flights scheduled. I will also send information on feeding, grooming, helpful tips for the first few weeks, and some advice to keep your puppy healthy and happy!

That’s all for now, family. Enjoy the photos!

Week 6 Update

Hello DKV Family!

We have made it to week 6, y’all. All I can say is they must have been tired for 5 weeks, because they are surely wide awake now!!! LOL. Usually, when you take puppies out of their home environment, they can be a bit uncertain in a new place. Afterall, there are new smells, new people, new sounds… that is why we always tell people to give puppies a few days to acclimate to their new home and family when you first receive them. Well, let me tell you all… Angel and I went to the vet today with this extraordinary litter. Everything started out very typical. We loaded up the wagon, wheeled them in, they got loved on by every employee, we went to our room, placed them on the floor………. (This is when we expect them to walk around slowly and sniff out the place. Check behind all the structures and look in the garbage can.) ……….AND THEY WENT FLYING!!! They were chasing each other, squeaking every toy louder than they ever had before, they were playing tug of war on all their ropes, they were running through these imaginary agility courses that they built in their minds under our chairs and over the table bars and under the wagon and around the counter and REPEAT. They were so fun to watch. I don’t know if the customer before us spilled 10 energy drinks on the floor and it secretly dried without being mopped up, or what. All I know is they had a blast. It was the longest vet visit ever for me and Angel, however. LOL. On top of the craziness, they all pooped about twice EACH, but FINALLY… they are all sleeping like Angels and I am so happy.

What does all that mean… they are confident and fearless and like to play hard every once in a while. So, there’s that. Enjoy the individual videos everyone! We will meet back here again in one week. Same time, same place. Have a blessed evening, family!

Week 7 Update

Hello DKV Family!

We made it to week 7!!! These puppies are definitely something special. They continue to strive each day. They are all extremely confident, social, curious, and playful. We have been so pleased with their temperaments and their overall personalities. They love to be picked up and played with and they are also content with keeping themselves occupied with toys. So that is always great. These puppies have been on several car rides to the vet already, and all of the puppies have done well with that as well. Overall, there is nothing we can complain about. We have been very pleased.

We have completed our puppy picking and Angel and I are super happy about everyone’s decision. We feel everyone has a puppy that will complement their home environment.

In the next few days, you will receive several emails from me. First, you will receive your purchase contract. When you receive that in your email, please sign and return back at your earliest convenience. The babies have their last vet visit this week. If all goes well, they will receive their travel health certificate. I will be sure to scan that up and send everyone a copy of their certificate for their records. I will also type up a shot record and list the due dates for their remaining puppy vaccines. I also send out info on the dog food we feed, transport instructions, and helpful tips during the first few days in my previous email with subject line, IMPORTANT INFORMATION.

Check back in a few days. I will add an update below after the puppies go to the vet. I will also grab some final photos for you all of the puppies at the vet this week. I will post them below. Last, we will begin our deliveries on Friday, April 9th! If you have any questions, you know how to reach us. Thanks everyone!!!

UPDATE: All puppies went to the vet and everything went well. All temperatures were normal. All fecals came back negative for worms or parasites. No heart murmurs were heard. As a result, all puppies received their health certificates! We will begin our puppy deliveries on Saturday, April 9th!!!